Pussy Cat - Allure - Nodica - ???? - Angelle
Nodica's Wild Weekend - Day 1
This bonus update is all about the wild weekend hosted by Nodica. My thanks and appreciation goes out to her for inviting
me. Without Nodica
and her husband there would not have been a Wild Weekend to rave
about. The two of them put out a tremendous effort to make everyone
feel at home and even fed everyone to boot. I don't think that any
of us can thank her enough for such a wonderful Wild Weekend.
My thanks and gratitude is also extended to all the Charms who
attended for allowing me to photograph them. I met nine new Charms
who I had never met before and you will be seeing their individual photos
and interviews within the coming weeks and months. In all there were
almost twenty Charms who made an appearance for at least part of the
weekend. I tried to take as many photos as I could of all the
activities, but I couldn't be every place at all times. Many of the
couples stayed in motels so there were also shoots going on where they
were staying as well and I did not get to visit them at the motels.
In short, there were probably tens of thousands photos taken by husbands,
boyfriends, and myself. I am only giving you a sampling of the
activities here on Happenings of the photos that I took personally.
All the rest of the photos that I took plus all the photos taken by
everyone else will eventually end up on the different Charms' sites (many
are already there).
The wild weekend lasted three days so I will be giving you
this bonus update plus two more - each representing a day's activity at Nodica's.
The first photos started out with some of the Charms who had met for the
first time getting to know one another while lounging around and
talking. The Charms who came for the entire weekend or at least part
of it and who I got a chance to photograph are Allure
SC1, Angelle, ????, Casi,
SC1, Kyungwa, Lola
SC1, Mystique
SC1, Nikkia, Pussy Cat, Raven, Tina, Wild
Child SC1, and of course, Nodica
SC1. There were a few others who stopped by for a short while who
I did not get an opportunity to photograph.
The first photos that you will see are of some of the
Charms as everyone is getting to know one another. The second
sampling of photos that you will see represented is of Kyungwa and Raven on a pool table having fun and enjoying one another. They were
by far the two smallest Charms at the Wild Weekend. I don't think
that either one of them has every reach 5 feet without the help of some
very tall heels (there were plenty of those at the party). Together
they wouldn't make 200 pounds, but did make for a very hot photo session.
The third sampling is of Nodica
SC1 and Kyungwa in the Jacuzzi having fun with one another. I'm sorry about
any steam that may appear in any of the photos, but you can imagine the
problem when two hot ladies team up in an already hot Jacuzzi!!! Nodica
SC1, the hostess with the mostest, went all out to show Kyungwa a hot time in the old Jacuzzi. They sure kept me wiping the
steam off my lens.
The fourth sampling is probably one of the hottest set of
pics you could hope to see. Allure
SC1, Angelle, ????, Nodica
SC1 and Pussy Cat do a five-some where four of them have strap-on dildos and Allure
SC1 is on the receiving end to start the series out. You won't
believe the workout that the strap-ons got. For that you will have
to visit the member's section or the individual Charm's site. Have
you ever seen five girls in a line before with four of them riding a
strap-on? Needless to say, you will really enjoy this series here
and on the Charms' sites.
We caught these few photos as we passed through to another
location for the next shoot. It just so happens that the fifth
sampling is of the next shoot with Nodica
SC1 and Fantasia
SC1 in one of the bedrooms. Both of these shoots were basically
pass thrus for me as I had to go empty my memory cards to get ready for Angelle's
shoot in the family room.
The sixth sampling is of Angelle and ???? in some very vivid outfits which didn't last too long as they just
couldn't wait to go at each other. I never knew that yellow and
purple would go so well together. Maybe it was just the combination
of Angelle and ????.
They certainly enjoyed one another in a very oral way.
The seventh group is of Angelle and Raven. This shoot basically works out to be the long and short of
it. Angelle was the tallest Charm at the get together and Raven was one of the shortest. The height difference really made for
a nice contrast. Something that I noticed during this shoot was that
no matter how tall one girl is and how short the other is when they get
into a 69 position everything still fits. Amazing how that works
out. Very sexy as well.
The eighth and final session for the first day (at
least for me - others went back to their motels and continued shooting)
was a hot twosome consisting of Nodica
SC1 and Raven. As I found out getting ready to shoot this session, Raven is a squirter and Nodica
SC1 wanted some photos showing Raven squirting all over her breasts as she came. Neither Raven or I disappointed Nodica
SC1 as there were a couple of great shots of Raven doing her thing all over Nodica's
SC1 tummy and breasts. 99% of the reason for the great photo and
success is due to Raven. What a wonderful ability she has to squirt almost at
will. I will take 1% of the credit for a great photo of the
squirting action for just being in the right place at the right time and
knowing when to push the shutter. I did frame it fairly well also
I know that when a large group is together it is sometimes
hard to identify everyone that is in a photograph so I have labeled all
photos with the names of the participants. There are 111 photographs
in this update alone with 40 in the free area and 71 in the member's area.
The photos are pretty much grouped and are presented in the order in which
they were shot.
Be sure and keep an eye out next week for Nodica's
Wild Weekend - Day 2. Another great day both in front of and behind
the camera. You can also use the new feature that I have added so
you can receive automated notification of when Happenings is updated by
subscribing to my notification list on either the Main Page or the
Articles Page.
Remember the hottest shots from Nodica's Wild Weekend -
Day 1 are in the member's area.
???? had to pull her site, but has allowed me to keep her
pics here in Happenings.