Rich & Party Guest
Cutsie's Gatlinburg Weekend -
Part 4

Well, right off the bat you get apologies from me. There was so
much sucking and f++++++ going on during this particular portion of the
Gatlinburg Weekend that I just didn't manage to get many photos that the
law allows me to place in the preview area. I promise to keep that
in mind at future event shoots so that I will compose more photos so
that they can go in the preview area here on Happenings.
Now, the apology out of the way, welcome to Cutsie's
Gatlinburg Weekend, Part 4. There are are only six photos in the
preview area, but I have placed a whopping 116 in the member's area.
As stated before, there is a lot of sucking and f++++++ going on in this
update with all
the furniture in the large living room being pushed out of the way and several
mattresses brought in from the bedrooms and placed side-by-side on
the floor. I have heard of wrestling mats before, but none with
the type of multi-match wrestling going on that I saw and photographed on these.
There were a number of Charms and one Gent plus other couples who
attended the weekend orgy. The couples who are not a part of
Southern Charms do not want to appear on the public pages, but did give
their permission for their photos to appear in the member's area.
You will get to see them there by visiting the Southern Charms
Happenings Member's Area. The Southern Charms attendees for the
weekend were Cutsie
SC2, Redd, Mystique
SC1, Fantasia
SC1, Rich, two previous Charms and their husbands, and
one other couple who are not on Southern Charms. Photos of all of
them can be seen either here in Happenings or on their individual
Southern Charms sites. Some attendees gave their permission for
their photos to be used only in the member's area. Sorry, but I
must abide by their wishes.
Now you ask, "What is a photo of a vibrator
doing in the middle of this article on Cutsie's
Gatlinburg Weekend?" Would it surprise you to find
out that this particular vibrator has a name? Well, it
does, and it's name is OSCAR. I've been promising to tell
you the story of Oscar so here goes. Regretfully, I wasn't
there to photographically document this story, but I sure wish
that I had been. |
It seems that Redd
and her hubby had friends over one evening for a little fun. As
the night went on, everyone ended up in their normal state of dress -
naked. The usual events started to unfold with the full passion of
an orgy going on. It turns out that one of Redd's
friends was giving Redd
a really wild workout with Oscar. Then, before anyone realized it,
the friend in all her passion really start putting pressure on Redd with Oscar. Then, wham, bam, Oscar plunged his entire
mushroom shaped head deep inside Redd.
Oooooooops!!!!! First, Oscar was on the outside looking in, then
without any warning Oscar was on the inside looking out.
Panic was
really beginning to set in when after many minutes, all attempts by
everyone to remove Oscar was being repulsed. He had found a nice
warm place that he loved, and damn if anyone was going to pull him
out. Out came every form of grease and jelly imaginable and Oscar
and Redd
were being lubed by all of them. After many more attempts to extricate
Oscar, everyone had pretty much given up hope of Oscar ever seeing the
light of day again and the decision was made to make the dreaded and
very embarrassing trip to the local hospital. Not wanting to face
the music, Redd
urged everyone on to make more heroic efforts to dislodge Oscar from his
encampment. Then, just as suddenly as Oscar had plunged in, he
gave up and came sliding out saving Redd
from some very embarrassing moments.
still loves Oscar and still claims that he is one of her best
friends. Evidently, as I found out in Gatlinburg, Oscar is no
longer being produced so Redd
guards him jealously everywhere she goes when friends ask to meet
him. In this update, you will get to see Oscar in action along
with all the sucking and f++++++.
I hope that all of you enjoy this
bonus update. Again, my apologies for having so few pics in the
preview area. I promise to do better at the next orgy that I
attend and I will make sure to get many more pics that I can use in the
preview area.