Carolina Bash III - Part 7

Here is Part 7 of the bonus updates from Carolina Bash III. This was a
really hot bash with plenty of photo opportunities and I took advantage of all of them that I could. In the upcoming bonus updates from Carolina Bash III you will get to see virtually all of the
attending Charms and Gents in all of their glory.
We have grown to expect the special theme rooms for photo shoots at the Carolina Bashes and this one
was no different. This time we had the doctor's office, the dungeon, the locker room, and many other special
settings to do all of the photos. Be sure and visit all of the attendee's sites on Southern Charms to see all of the
great photos that they did. Photos were also done at a great club with some really plush settings to add even more
variety to the shoots.
Carolina Bash III was hosted by Champagne
SC1, Fantasia
SC1, and Mystique
SC1 and I want to extend my appreciation to them for a job very well done (as always). The following Charms and Gents attended the bash:
Abbie SC3,
Absolute Heaven SC2,
Afton SC4,
Ami Charms
SC1, Angelle,
Atlantic Dreamer,
Blondie, Champagne
Diamond, Diamond Girl
SC1, Fantasia
SC1, Hotpntys,
Hottyy SC2,
Lynn, Mystique
Nicole, Paige,
SinSation SC1, TJ, and Toolman.
There are over a 100 photos in this Happenings update. There are
bunches of very hot photos in the membership area that will get your heart pumping hard.
Enjoy and keep your eyes open for future Carolina Bash III updates.