Carolina Bash - Part 4

Again, I would like to give a special thanks to Fantasia
SC1 and Mystique
SC1 for hosting a great Carolina Bash. Much work went into this
affair which was one of the biggest to date - especially in the planning
and facilities to include a large chunk of a nearby hotel where many
shoots also took place. I will speak for everyone when I say
"Thank You" for a job well done. We are all looking
forward to the next one which I understand will be this coming April.
was a great event for the Charms who attended. The Carolina Bash attendees were Abbie
SC3, Amber
SC3, Becky, Caroline, Casi, Champagne
SC1, Cutsie
SC2, Hot
Cat, Fantasia
SC1, Irish (former SG), Kyungwa, Mystique
SC1, Orgasm Bunny, Paige, Pussy Cat, Rich, Scarlett, TJ, Victoria
SC3, and Wild
Child SC1.
There will be five bonus updates from the Carolina
Bash. As usual, I shot separate Happenings shoots which you will
be able to view here in the coming months (don't forget to vote for
those updates). Additionally, I did shots over the shoulders of
the Charms and Gents regular photographers as they did shoots for their
individual shoots. Those are the photos that you will be seeing
the Carolina Bash Bonus Updates.
The facilities that we used were absolutely
great. We used two different lifestyle or gentlemen's clubs in the
Charlotte, NC area. The facilities had many different settings for
us to use and one club went all out just to set up theme rooms to be
used by the Charms for their photo shoots. There was a dungeon
room with rack and sex swing, a doctor's office with examination table
including the stirrups, a Halloween room complete with ghosts and
goblins and plenty of pumpkins, and last but not least the Hawaiian
theme room complete with palms and native masks.
In addition to the theme rooms there were many other places within the
facility to be used for shoots such as a pool table, three sets of
stairs, and many sofas and lounging areas. The gentlemen's club
had a Roman flair to it with sunken Jacuzzi, dance floors with dance
poles (see photo above), sofas and lounging areas, Roman style statues, and many, many
mirrors. All-in-all, both great places to shoot photos and the
Charms and Gents put them to ample use which you will be able to see as
you visit their individual sites to view the updates from the Carolina
In this fourth update you will see a
variety of activities including being able to see the different theme
settings. I just grabbed photos at random from the large batch
that I took and you will be able to see a little of the action in all of
the updates. Some special photos to look for
include a very hot Amber
and Pussy
Cat collaboration on the dance floor at the gentlemen's club,
and Caroline
doing a hot session on a sofa at the lifestyle club, and another hot
session with Champagne,
Child and former Gent, Rich, on the doctor's exam table. Also
in this bonus update, you can look for Fantasia
and Caroline
on a
sofa. There are others which I will be highlighting in future Carolina Bash
Bonus Updates. Of course, all of the other Charms and Gents, Abbie
SC3, Amber
SC3, Becky, Caroline, Casi, Champagne
SC1, Cutsie
SC2, Hot
Cat, Fantasia
SC1, Irish
(former SG), Kyungwa, Mystique
SC1, Orgasm Bunny, Paige, Pussy Cat, Rich, Scarlett, TJ, Victoria
SC3, and Wild
Child SC1 appear in each of the bonus updates as well.
I really
hope you enjoy the photos of the Carolina Bash Bonus Updates and keep
your eyes open for future Bonus Updates of this hot affair.